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Selectmen Minutes 02/19/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – February 19, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectwoman, Karen Day
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson
Call to order: Day called meeting to order at 6:15
Chairman, Aaron Kullgren arrived at 6:20
6:15 – Neel Patel – SWRPC – Mr. Patel was present to review road maps – Mr. Patel explained how the Highway Block Aid works and wants to be assured the roads in Greenfield are correct.  He wants assurance that no Class 5 roads are missing or that Class 6 roads are not being picked up that may be being maintained.  
Road Agent, Duffy Fox was present to review the maps for accuracy.
Mr. Patel stated that if there are any changes, the Board should note them on the maps and he will make the corrections, he cannot make corrections with his GPS, he did note that he could go back to the office for review and corrections.
A few adjustments to roads were made, those changes were there are a few private roads, Class VI, and a few Class V roads, nothing major but adjustments will be made.  It most likely won’t affect our Highway Block Aid.
6:30 – Mark Stetson, Avitar – Mr. Stetson reported to the Board as to the status of the update, he indicated that we are moving forward and he has preliminary values.  He outlined the process and indicated where the assessments are going, there will definitely be a decrease in valuations; the exact amount is not determined at this time.
Stetson explained the process and that he first analyzed properties that have sold, he reviewed these properties for assurance of accurate data, and to also research qualifying sales.  This means only using sales that are arms length transactions.  We do not allow bank foreclosures, family transactions and other types of non-secured sales.
Once the database is assembled, then they extract sales.  Vacant land sales were available, allowing for establishment of good land values.  He then will extract land values from properties with homes on them, providing reasonable statistical data for home values.
Stetson provided the Board with statistics of developed sites vs. undeveloped sites, explaining in detail that the goal is to reflect today’s market. Further discussion indicates the review has shown a reduction of values.
Land values are reduced by approximately 4%, where building values are reducing by about 10%.
Again, this is preliminary and does need more work, neighborhoods, views etc., have not yet been reviewed.
Notices will go out to every property owner, indicating a new value.  Every property owner will have an opportunity to meet with the Assessor to discuss their property; this will allow residents an opportunity to disclose discrepancies.  Residents will be able to view their property, and every property in Greenfield, for approximately 30 days through Avitar’s website.
Once the hearing process is complete, a “runner” will accompany a homeowner, with questions, to their home for an interior inspection, if the homeowner will agree.  The goal is for each home to be as accurately assessed as possible.  If homeowners don’t agree to allow an interior inspection, they could be denied an abatement.
A manual will then be prepared and provided to the Town upon the completion of this process.
Mark discussed the State Statute, RSA 76:15-a regarding taxation.
Revised values will not be reflected until December due to the statute.
Adams asked for clarification of this process. Mark explained the process again; Adams indicated he does understand the process.
Assessments are effective as of April 1, however the hearings will begin first week of April, the phone calls to schedule hearings will be completed at the central office, the meetings with residents will begin two weeks later.  The June tax billings will not reflect any changes.
Stetson stated he would provide an article for the next newsletter.
Maryann Grant commented that they would not be available when the hearings are taking place, she would like to have an appointment scheduled when they return.  Stetson agreed to this request.
Mr. Stetson commented to the Board that the central office does a fantastic job with the assessing end of things.  He stated both Deb & Catherine are efficient and when he needs their assistance they are always quick to respond, further noting some towns take weeks to assist with assessing needs.
6:30 - RSA 91A: 3 II (b) Personnel – withdrew application
6:45 – RSA91A: 3 II (b) Personnel – withdrew application
7:10 – RSA 91A: 3 II (b) Personnel – Motion by Kullgren to enter into a non-public session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter.
Seconded by Day & Adams. No discussion. Voted 3-0
7:30 pm – Motion by Kullgren to enter out of the non-public session. Seconded Day & Adams.  No discussion.
Decision: Motion by Kullgren to hire Katherine Heck for the position of the Town of Greenfield Treasurer, this position will become effective at the close of the March 14th Town Meeting.  Heck will be compensated with an hourly wage of $16.00/hour.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  No discussion.  Voted 3-0 in the affirmative.
7:35 – Treasurer, Katherine Heck - Katherine provided the Board with a “dashboard” of the Town of Greenfield’s current financial standing.  She further discussed that banking laws for Government Banking have changed a lot in the last year.  She stated she has started the process to acquire a Tax Anticipation Note for 2009, however with banking rules having changed, Katherine is asking for a TAN in the amount of $875,000.00, because of the rules changing we need to either apply for two TAN’s, or one large one, she prefers one large one.
Discussion followed regarding departments should stop making unnecessary purchases until the budgets are approved.  There is a cash flow crisis and departments should not spend any money that has not been approved by the voters.
Ocean Bank is now in charge of every account the Town of Greenfield is liable for.  The General Fund should be changed over completely within the next month.  Ocean has been wonderful to work with; the transition has been very smooth.
The 30 day Certificate of deposits were discussed, there was  $187,836 at the end of last month, year to date interest on CD’s is over $3,000.00, Heck went on to say that by using that investment tool, we are able to offset interest that we paid.
Accounting procedures – Discussion followed about the legal procedures that affect the accounting procedures.  The Board of Selectmen was all in agreement to have the manifests faxed to Karen & Aaron on Tuesday, Jarvis would stop in and do an original signature.  The manifest will be faxed no later than noon on Tuesdays, signed and faxed back to the central office.
Aaron wanted to clarify something that took place at the last meeting – he went on to say that when Deb and Katherine had interrupted the meeting with a bank document the board needed to be signed he did get upset.  He further apologized if he was short with them; he stated interrupting meetings it is his pet peeve.  After having it explained to him it was a bank error, he did understand the importance of having the document signed.  Again, he wanted it let them know he did not mean to be short with either of them.
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the minutes of 2/12/09 Selectmen’s Meeting
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed the following documents:
  • Veterans Exemption – PA 35 – Bond
  • Elderly Exemption – PA 35 - Eaton
  • Payroll Checks
  • A/P invoices
Old Business:
Update on Carbee property – Deb reported that Attorney Bennett did contact her and reported that the assessment is complete and the Carbee’s are meeting on Monday to discuss a purchase and sales.  However, to date there is no signed purchase and sales agreement.  Attorney Bennett will let Deb know the status of this agreement before the next Selectboard meeting.
Light at town office – There will be a spotlight installed at the office to light up the parking lot, the light will hard wired, an electrician will need to be contacted.  Deb will notify Matt about this and have him take care of it.
New business:
Peterborough Youth Soccer – Mike Henry – would like to rent the soccer field for practice and games April/Early May through June they will need the field on Saturday and/or Sundays for approximately 1 ½ hours, there will be five games total.  Mr. Henry stated that  $250.00 to use the field each time is out of reach for the program, he was asking if the Board would be willing to adjust the fee? Selectmen agreed to waive the fee to $150.00 each time, which would be $750 for the 5 games.  Selectmen wanted assurance that they wouldn’t need bathrooms and would use the port-a-potties.  
US Census training point – Deb explained this program the US Census Bureau would like to use our meeting room as a training point to train Greenfield residents in the Census collection procedures.  They would like to hire Greenfield residents for the program.  The wage is between $11.00-$16.00/hour.  Selectmen approved this, Deb will notify the training representative.
Allen Easton and the GIVers both want to sponsor the next issue of the Spirit.  Discussion followed, the Board indicated they would save the middle spread for GIVers.  Deb to notify Neal Brown.
Welfare Selectmen discussed seeing if there is anything within the highway department for a recent recipient of welfare to do in an effort to reimburse the Town for the assistance.  Deb will get together with Duffy and discuss this.  She will also discuss this with Matt; about two weeks of labor would repay the town with labor.
Selectmen reviewed the Plowshare projection – this matter was tabled until after Town Meeting.  
Adjournment: With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm – the next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, February 26, at 6:00 pm.